
The 3rd edition of Advanced MRI In Neuro-Oncology (AMRINO) is here again!

This 2-day Neuroradiology Course/Workshop (July, 20th-21st 2018) in London, led by experienced Clinical Neuroradiologists and MRI Clinical Scientists, embraces the role of MRI in Neuro-Oncology.

The material will be exclusively centred on advanced MRI application techniques in Neuro-Oncology, the teaching sessions will be accompanied by interactive discussions with case material, and the hands-on workshops will familiarize the users with the advanced MRI post-processing.

Short lectures will introduce you to the main advanced MRI modalities (MR Spectroscopy, MR Perfusion Imaging, Diffusion-weighted and Diffusion Tensor Imaging, and functional MRI including task-based and resting-state) for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes (imaging-guided neurosurgery, intraoperative MRI, imaging-guided radiotherapy) in Neuro-Oncology laying the groundwork for clinically-orientated lectures, devoted to review the indications for advanced MRI and clarify the interpretation of the findings.

The attendees can participate in hands-on sessions using a state-of-the-art post-processing imaging platform in order to get familiar with the techniques in clinical routine or to remedy perceived weaknesses.

You may also bring and discuss your challenging cases!


Tractography Functional MRI Perfusion MR Imaging MR Spectroscopy

Benefits of attending

  • Revise the fundamental principles and appraise the importance of advanced MR techniques in Neuro-Oncology imaging.

  • Identify the clinical indications and benefits of advanced MR techniques in Neuro-Oncology imaging.

  • Interpret advanced MRI findings

  • Discuss routine and challenging clinical cases.

  • Practice and improve your skills in post-processing advanced MRI datasets using state-of-the-art imaging platforms.


Who should attend

  • Neuroradiologists and Radiologists with interest in Oncological Imaging

  • Radiographers

  • Clinical Scientists

  • Neurologists with focus on Neuro-Oncology

  • Neurosurgeons with focus on imaging-guided tumour resection

  • Application and product specialists from the industry